Monday, January 08, 2007

Global Warming strikes! (All the terrorists are on holiday)

Last night Robyn and I noticed it was 12c (56f) outside at midnight. Tonight it was 16c (61f)outside at 9:30pm. Thats way warmer than it should be for January in England (2-6c in January*). Fancy not wearing pyjamas and having the window wide open all night in January! What would my grandmother (80) say?
*SOURCE: UK Met Office


Alex said...

The photo is what Britain and Ireland would look like if the sea level rose by 80 metres.

Lydia said...

That's really scary that it's so warm at this time! That is like late spring here.

Alex said...

Actually in terms of temperature its closer to September in the UK at the moment. Anyway goto to watch a video about positive steps to halt climate change. My personal favourite was to pump compressed CO2 back into the voids left in the ground by oil and gas exploitation.