Friday, October 27, 2006

Canada 3

Yesterday I went to Goldstream Provincial Park. It had trees that were 800 years old and they were huge- bigger than any British species I have ever seen. Its also salmon spawning season. It is banned for people to fish for the salmon in protected streams and rivers save for the First Nation peoples. And they are only allowed to catch salmon using their traditional method which is a pole with a hook at the end. While walking along the stream I saw a group of 4 young First Nation peoples. 2 had poles and 1 was carrying a huge salmon by its mouth. After seeing that dead fish I had to go and have sushi! It was as much as you can eat sushi for $22 (£11) I also looked round Victoria in depth today. I saw lots of totem poles. I also went to the IMAX theatre and saw Survival Island and Journey Along the Nile. The screen was 6 storeys high. I also looked around the museum of British Columbia, Naval museum of British Columbia, Madame Tussuad's of Victoria and Chinatown. Tomorrow after swimming and yoga I will be getting the ferry from Victoria to Seattle.

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